Elizabeth (B) Fraleigh O’Toole, President of O’Toole’s Herb Farm will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014:
This presentation will touch on growing herbs for pleasure, growing herbs for the fresh cut market and growing herbs in greenhouse production for wholesale and retail sales. I will cover the joy and positive healing energy these plants give, the passion of growing and using them and how I got to this place.
Her farm was featured in the April-May, 2012, edition of Home & Design:
“A village is happening out here,” B said during a tour of her 114-acre farm’s greenhouses, gardens, retail shops and resident flock of sheep. “If you think Walmart, we’re absolutely the opposite. Small, local, knowledgeable, none of our plants genetically modified with man-made chemicals.”
Also on
Her conference bio:
O’Toole’s Herb Farm was started in 1990 by Jim and B O’Toole on a small portion of land from B’s family dating back to 1840s. B’s only background in agriculture comes with her gene pool, from generations of farmers plus her father and both grandmothers were avid gardeners. She graduated from FSU in 1972 with a BA degree in Interior Design, lived and worked in Tallahassee until moving back to Madison to start the herb farm. A passion for growing and an intense love of the land with a determination to restore the family
farm made organic farming an obvious direction to take. Now 24 years later, after a couple of major losses, life at the farm has evolved into a healing place, not only for B but for all who seek it.
Come to SOGALO2014 and hear B talk about herbs!
Short Link: