Neill Herring will speak at South Georgia Growing Local 2014 about conservation issues at the Georgia General Assembly.
Neill speaking at
WWALS Watershed Coalition in Tifton in August,
at which he remarked about citizens of Georgia:
“…these natural resources particularly the water systems are their private property, they have a property interest in the water.”
He was written up by Terry Dickson in the Florida Times-Union 6 June 2009 as Lobbyist who walks the walk:
The typical image of a lobbyist is someone in an expensive suit who lavishes lawmakers with expensive dinners and who lives in a big house with an enormous master bedroom. Not Neill Herring, who handles governmental affairs for the Sierra Club at the Georgia Capitol. Herring lives in downtown Jesup and sleeps on the porch. “I
believe it keeps you from getting colds,” he said. Even last winter, when overnight temperatures got into the 20s? “I just add blankets,” he said.
Here’s a picture of him winning one for the Sierra Club in 2013.
His conference bio:
Born in Dalton GA in 1947, public schools there, graduated GA State College in 1969. Worked as a carpenter until mid 1980s, started lobbying at GA Gen Assy in 1980. Work mostly for conservation and environmental organizations.
Come to
SOGALO2014 and hear Neill Herring
talk about conservation issues at the Georgia legislature!
Short Link: