Remember the front of the pamphlet gave a location for the tombstone. A bit of work with google maps showed the highway between Bloomingdale and Pooler would be US 80. So far, so good. Let’s try to narrow it down.
The deceased’s last name was Horning, and there is something called Horning Memorial Cemetery near Bloomingdale. But that’s not on US 80; it’s on US 17 between Bloomingdale and I-16.
That might be the right location, but even though google maps has pretty good resolution there for both satellite and streetview images, the stone doesn’t appear to be there.
Ah, but the book
Sentimental Savannah: Reflections on a Southern City’s Past, by Polly Powers Stramm says:‘Longtime county residents may remember that the marker ordered by Judge Horning stood for many years in Bloomingdale alongside U.S. 80. When the highway was widened, Robers said, the marker was moved to the stretch of Bloomingdale Road between Interstate 16 and U.S. 80. Later, the imposing piece of granite was relocated to Gravel Hill Cemetery.’

So I told Joyce that Gravel Hill Cemetery was the most likely location.
She wanted to see, and called in a field agent.
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