A previous landowner clearcut what was natural forest and replanted slash pine. Apparently nobody told
these longleaf not to sprout up from seed.
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A previous landowner clearcut what was natural forest and replanted slash pine. Apparently nobody told
these longleaf not to sprout up from seed.
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Langdale would be proud, huh? :O) I hate all the clear cutting we have going on in the county now… I guess growth is inevitable, but it really kills composure.
Somebody tried to plant a subdivision next to my west field.
The biggest problem with getting anybody to do anything about it
was everybody going “it’s going to happen sooner or later.”
I know it’s a south Georgia thing to be defeatist and fatalistic,
but I actually don’t think it’s inevitable everywhere.
I have nothing against growth in general; I still can’t get over
Valdosta actually having multiple restaurants downtown;
even Hahira, which the mayor famously said some years ago
didn’t have a restaurant or a motel, now has a motel and
four or five restaurants and three grocery stores.
But I don’t see why every corner of the county has to have a subdivision.
The county went to a lot of trouble to pass a comprehensive plan
only a couple of years ago. A plan that shows my corner of the county
as agricultural and wildlife. All I ask is for the same officials who
passed that plan to stick to it.
To the neighbors, I said, “Well, if nobody shows up to object,
probably the county commission will rezone for that subdivision;
after all, nobody objected.”
People showed up. The rezoning application was denied.
Glad you guys were able to stop it… for now. That development on ValDel is well on its way to being developed… it being a wetlands area, they have now opted for a lake out front. That clear cutting was responsible for street flooding during the storms a few weeks ago.
I hope that the county will stick to their guns against these money hungry developers.
These little longleaf will be grubbed up and cleared away Wednesday 12 Nov 2008 unless the county commission stops it Tuesday 11 Nov 2008.