Dr. Claudia Dunkley, Extension Poultry Scientist,
will speak at
South Georgia Growing Local 2014
Basic information for beginning a backyard flock including: breeds, housing, nutrition, egg production and biosecurity.
Her conference bio:
Dr. Dunkley has been an Extension Poultry Scientist at the University of Georgiasince 2007. She conducts research programs focusing on environmental and waste management issues associated with the poultry industry, including air quality and climate change as it pertains to poultry industry. Her extension responsibilities include adult education programs in Nutrient Management Planning, Agro/Bio- security seminars and Backyard flock production seminars. She is also the coordinator of the annual Deep South Poultry Conference held at UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia.
Come to SOGALO2014 and hear Dr. Dunkley speak about backyard chickens!
Short Link: